Yingke Australia | YK LAW

Gym & Tonic Healthclubs Pty Ltd v Cai Xia Xu [2022] NSWSC 1741

Gym & Tonic Healthclubs Pty Ltd v Cai Xia Xu [2022] NSWSC 1741 16 Dec 2022 Juno Gym & Tonic Healthclubs Pty Ltd v Cai Xia Xu [2022] NSWSC 1741   The legal issue is about the priority of creditors in three liquidated companies. YK Law Australia acted for the party and successfully advocated for…

Lee v Li [2022] NSWSC 1336

YK Law Australia acted for the plaintiff in her claim against the defendant claiming the registered title of two properties did not reflect the true beneficial ownership agreed by the parties, and also defend the plaintiff in the defendant’s cross-claim for the ownernship in two other properties that the defendant alleged she has beneficial interest under construction trust. Obtained favourable judgement for the plaintiff in relation to all the four properties with costs orders against the defendant.

Bass Hill Investments Pty Ltd v JSJW Real Estate Pty Ltd [2022] NSWSC 1453

YK Law Australia acted for the plaintiff, a property developer, to obtain favourable judgement against defendant’s wrongful termination of a contract for sales of land at the price of $5.2M, enforce the performance of the contract to transfer the land to the plaintiff, with costs orders against the defendant for the whole proceedings.

Golden Roc Investment Pty Ltd v Cui [2022] NSWSC 173

YK Law Australia acted for the plaintiff to obtain orders for substituted service where the defendant has not filed a defence and has not taken an active part in the proceedings. And then obtained default judgment under Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005, r 16.10. This matter also concerns debts in foreign currency.

Bao v Li [2022] NSWSC 1335

YK Law Australia acted for the plaintiff to enforce his rights under a contract labelled “draft agreement” through which he made investment to property development and claim for profit. Judgement made in favour of the plaintiff to acknowledge the “draft agreement” be binding with costs orders against the defendants.